Understanding the Planets

The Sun

Our Personality Sun is how we express our “light” in the world.

The Sun in our chart represents our core energy, our primary yang force. It is our “self” as well as what we “do” and represents the theme of our incarnation.

The Sun represents the archetype of the Father.

Our Design Sun represents genetic themes we have inherited from our Father

The Sun and Earth can’t be separated. They’re the prime yin/yang within us.

Whenever you see the Sun, either conscious or unconscious, in an undefined center, it is as though this person’s light is locked up in a room with all the shutters closed. They can’t find consistent access to 70% of who they are.

Thus the seduction of the harmonic gate is huge because that person hooks them up to their inner light.

Love Yourself,

Marketing & Creative Director at the IHDS
Ruth Brennan is a Certified Professional Analyst, Living Your Design Guide, Certified BG5 Consultant and Teacher at the IHDS.

She and Lynda Bunnell co-authored "A New Kind of Awakening," A Newcomer's Guide to Human Design.

About Ruth Brennan

Ruth Brennan is a Certified Professional Analyst, Living Your Design Guide, Certified BG5 Consultant and Teacher at the IHDS. She and Lynda Bunnell co-authored "A New Kind of Awakening," A Newcomer's Guide to Human Design.