From the Love Series

Type is Everything

You see, Type, in the end, is everything.
It’s the basic platform. It’s why 15 years after Design came into the world, there’s finally a way to make it easy for people, and it’s all through Type. So no matter what our genetics are, no matter what your Profile is, what your Gates of love are, what the connectivity is, please recognize the simple truth. Live your strategy. There isn’t anything else. If you live your strategy, all the components fall into their right place. You get the right fractal. You meet the right forces. And yes, there are differences.
But this is our time of being able to know there’s differences, know it’s not the future and have the intelligence and awareness to work our way through this process. It’s a way we learn from each other at the highest possible level of awareness. But you can only do that when you enter into it correctly.
This is the magic. Follow the mechanics.
~ Ra Uru Hu from The Love Series
Love Yourself,
Marketing & Creative Director at the IHDS
Ruth Brennan is a Certified Professional Analyst, Living Your Design Guide, Certified BG5 Consultant and Teacher at the IHDS.

She and Lynda Bunnell co-authored "A New Kind of Awakening," A Newcomer's Guide to Human Design.

About Ruth Brennan

Ruth Brennan is a Certified Professional Analyst, Living Your Design Guide, Certified BG5 Consultant and Teacher at the IHDS. She and Lynda Bunnell co-authored "A New Kind of Awakening," A Newcomer's Guide to Human Design.