Over a period of 40 plus years, I have done a lot of self-awareness work. Everything that I studied is wonderful, amazing, and extremely helpful! These courses of study brought great insight and awareness, but the individual, as an individual, was rarely recognized and empowered as a unique, one of...
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Students will often approach PTL1 as a mental exercise that they can either grind their way through or apply their superior powers of intellect to excel at. It comes as a surprise that neither of these approaches work. The first great hurdle for every PTL1 Student to surmount is the...
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In the study of colors, Red, Yellow, and Blue are typically considered the Primary Colors. Used individually there are some limited variations but once they are mixed, in different combinations, a seemingly endless world of possibilities leaps to life. The same is true when applying the basic dynamics of Type,...
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The amateur will typically look at a Rave BodyGraph, identify the Defined Channels, the Profile, maybe the Incarnation Cross, then they will look those things up in one of the reference manuals available, thinking that this is all there is to it. The Human Design System provides so much more...
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Beyond the technical information and mechanical structures explored in PTL1, there are at least three other skill sets or talents that are taught; Synthesizing, Layering, and Blending. This is where the PTL1 Course takes on the feel of being an apprenticeship; the almost forgotten process of a novice interacting with...
Read More Ra had a very specific design to the education process into the Human Design System. Starting with a Foundation Reading from a Certified Analyst, to the guidance through “Living Your Design” and then introducing some of the mechanics of the Human Design System in “Rave ABC 236” and “Rave Cartography”,...
Read More As with most things, attempting to teach something is a great way to learn about that very same thing. After several PTL1 Courses (either as an Apprentice Instructor or as the Instructor) I’ve learned that Ra was so very accurate when he continually stated that “the power of Human Design...
Read More Awareness in Action?? An oxymoron, in a sense. Except that the active part is mental. Oh my god, does that mean our minds actually have value for US (rather than them?!)? Oh, yes. We can wonder what all of these wonderful Human Design System concepts mean when we first hear...
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'Our Mystical Mythological Nature' with Darshana Deborah Mathews, a certified teacher of The Human Design System (International Human Design School). In this webinar, we explore Human Design; and how it is not deterministic, rather it is mutative and evolutionary. Human Design is about seeing that because of the imprinting system;...
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By Lynda Bunnell What is the Not-Self according to Human Design? Is it a bad thing? No. Is it a good thing? No. It just is. It is something that we live with, that we co-exist with. It is a part of us. The term “Not-Self” is just a term...
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