Ra’s Words of Wisdom

Ra Uru Hu

Everything about Strategy—and it’s something to remind anyone you’re dealing with—the whole business in Strategy in Human Design is related to one thing and one thing only. It’s related to the decision making process. So, for example, you have two Generators who are together and one Generator has a sudden brainstorm and they decide, “Why don’t we go for a drive out to this place and do this thing and that thing.” The other Generator goes, “Uh-huh, good idea.” Now, the whole point of the Generator-to-Generator communication is that it has to be confirmed. This is a very, very important awareness that arises when you realize that when you ask the person who just make the suggestion if they really want to do that, there’s no guarantee that they’re actually going to say yes; none.

The fact that things are moving through, the fact that things move through our mind, if you are in a partnership relationship with somebody and you have Throat activations, there are things that are going to be said; it’s always going on. This is the whole business of life. But the decision always has to go back to the Authority. So, when I’m in a situation where I have a connection between beings and they’re both Generators then there is a very, very easy way, a very beautiful way to just simply go to the core of how they can deal with each other in terms of communication and decision making.

The moment a couple can comfortably make decisions together, this is an enormous triumph. It is. It is very, very difficult for couples to make decisions together. Most couple decisions are majority votes in the sense that somebody is pushing much harder and somebody is giving in. Rarely is it truly mutual decision making. One of the advantages of Sacral beings being together is that they really have this mechanical way in which they can have this mutual confirmation in decision making together. This is a very healthy kind of relationship. After all, for Generators the gene pool is huge. There are over four billion Generators on the planet. It means that the Generator-to-Generator relationship is one that has the highest potential of commonality and it is one that can be very, very successful.

But again, anything about the Generator-to-Generator relationship—and by the way you notice that I’m not adding any caveats to whether they’re Manifesting Generators or emotional Generators, I’m simply talking about the Sacral phenomena in and of itself, that if you bring two Sacral beings together they are both Generators, there is a fundamental comfort in the way their energy process works. This is the other thing that’s so important.

~ Ra Uru Hu

In 1992, as Ra Uru Hu began training the first students of The Human Design System, the International Human Design School was founded, and after many years of experiments, experiences and evolution, the IHDS represents a landmark in Human Design Education. The IHDS operates as part of the parent organization, Jovian Archive, Inc., and is responsible for setting and maintaining educational standards and materials for Human Design worldwide, and is the official certifying agency and record keeper for Human Design Professionals. The IHDS is currently licensed and run by Lynda Bunnell. Visit the International Human Design School website.

About IHDS

In 1992, as Ra Uru Hu began training the first students of The Human Design System, the International Human Design School was founded, and after many years of experiments, experiences and evolution, the IHDS represents a landmark in Human Design Education. The IHDS operates as part of the parent organization, Jovian Archive, Inc., and is responsible for setting and maintaining educational standards and materials for Human Design worldwide, and is the official certifying agency and record keeper for Human Design Professionals. The IHDS is currently licensed and run by Lynda Bunnell. Visit the International Human Design School website.