Gate 58, The Gate of Vitality

December 25 - December 30

~ Ghandi

The Sun enters The Joyous during this transit bringing a zest for life, energy to improve the world and to be of service.

It can be a time of wonder and joyful energy to improve the world by being of service to others.

Will you be Joyous in thought and action to celebrate others? Since life is your mirror it will reflect joyousness back to you.

You have the choice to block joy or receive it, because it resides perpetually in your heart … and only you can set it free. And, even if there’s little you can do to change some events that unfold around you, a change in perspective can magically change everything.

So, can you be content in your circumstances and genuinely kind? It’s possible to bring an expression of the love that renews all things by cultivating a sense of joy that is carried wherever you go.

This frequency of “Love of Life,” is a joyous vitality that is strengthened by sharing. It encourages you to seek out experiences that bring you joy on your terms.

The experience of being alive and the appreciation for all that is beautiful, alone or shared with others, can be a celebration that fuels your quest for a better life for all.

I think that people will find a tremendous joy and fulfillment in service to other human beings, and that often this is what is missing in their lives.” ~ Ram Dass

May you and your family be blessed with love from the ones that matter most. And, make the most of whatever you celebrate — and those you celebrate with — this holiday season and throughout the year.

Love Yourself,
Ruth Brennan

Marketing & Creative Director at the IHDS
Ruth Brennan is a Certified Professional Analyst, Living Your Design Guide, Certified BG5 Consultant and Teacher at the IHDS.

She and Lynda Bunnell co-authored "A New Kind of Awakening," A Newcomer's Guide to Human Design.

About Ruth Brennan

Ruth Brennan is a Certified Professional Analyst, Living Your Design Guide, Certified BG5 Consultant and Teacher at the IHDS. She and Lynda Bunnell co-authored "A New Kind of Awakening," A Newcomer's Guide to Human Design.