
Ra’s Words of Wisdom

Ra's Words of Wisdom

The Sun/Earth: Style

By | General Information, Human Design, The Science of Differentiation, Living Your Design, Ra Uru Hu, The Founder, Ra's Words of Wisdom, Strategy & Authority | No Comments
Ra's Words of Wisdom What you get on the personality side moving to the right. This is the great illusion of the Sun/Earth on the personality side. The great illusion of the Sun/Earth is that it's everything, the vanity of the 70%, that it's everything. And yet, when you look...
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Ra's Words of Wisdom

Calling all 4th Lines!

By | General Information, Human Design, The Science of Differentiation, Profiles, Ra Uru Hu, The Founder, Ra's Words of Wisdom, Strategy & Authority | No Comments
Ra's Words of Wisdom "The 4 that enters into its process correctly as itself will take on a foundation that is legitimate for it, a foundation that it can influence others with. There is the potential always for correctness. But what a pressure it is on them, what an enormous...
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Ra's Words of Wisdom

The Channel of Concentration

By | Channels, General Information, Human Design, The Science of Differentiation, Ra Uru Hu, The Founder, Ra's Words of Wisdom, Strategy & Authority | No Comments
Ra's Words of Wisdom What we are dealing with is the Channel of Concentration. And the concentration, in a sense, aspects are derived from both the activations, but what it becomes is something else. This concentration is not sitting still. But keeping still is an aspect of concentration, but they...
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Ra's Words of Wisdom


By | General Information, Human Design, The Science of Differentiation, Ra Uru Hu, The Founder, Ra's Words of Wisdom, Strategy & Authority | No Comments
Ra's Words of Wisdom When you look at a human being within the context of Human Design, the first thing that makes Human Design unusual to begin with is this binary calculation, this extremely dualistic mechanical structure, the dual consciousness—Personality consciousness, Design consciousness. Everything about Human Design is dualistic. And...
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