Ra’s Words of Wisdom

Ra Uru Hu

Your Strategy, your Authority, and your Definition all start adding up to whom you are and how you get there and stay there. Authority and Strategy together, everyday that’s my mantra: follow your Strategy and honor your Authority. Honor your Inner Authority. This is how you get to self-love; this is how you get to purpose. So of course, it’s important in the sense of being able to recognize it. It is simple to pass on the Authority of Generator and Emotional being. It doesn’t mean that it’s simple for them to resolve whatever the dilemmas are of their own not-self. But it’s very straightforward. And you don’t have to go into a vast study to figure it out. For most Emotional people that I meet professionally, it’s simply a matter of reminding them what they already know. They know they operate in waves, they know they go up and down, they know they go from crisis to joy. It isn’t a big deal to suggest to them that it might be a good idea not to jump to conclusions at any given moment.

But that’s not the same as being someone with Splenic Authority or G Authority or Ego Authority or no Authority. For those beings it’s not just simply a matter of “trust your hunches,‟ because they won’t. Because like me, like anyone, like any rational being they’ll say, “But how do I know I can trust this when I don’t even really know what it means.” Because that’s the thing about the Spleen, it’s not articulate. It’s just some kind of warning system. And you don’t even know what it is.

Somebody comes up to me and says, “Can I talk to you?” and I say, “No.” And I don’t know why I’m saying no. It’s just what comes out spontaneously in the moment, my Spleen connected to my Throat, there it goes. And I think after I’ve said no and I’m accused of being rude again, why did you say “No, it’s the Spleen.” Ten minutes later they can come up to me and say, “Can I talk with you?” and I say, “Yeah, sure,” it’s the same thing. I don’t know why. It’s not for knowing why. I’ve had to surrender to my Spleen which means that you really have to surrender because what to do. I’m not going to second-guess my Spleen and the way in which it operates. It doesn’t argue. I can’t get into some kind of discussion with it about this or that.

I don’t fully understand what it means when it gives a signal. Why did it say no? Did it say no because those people 30 seconds later were going to sneeze and I was going to end up catching a cold? Why was my immune system protecting me in that particular moment from that encounter, was there something? Or was it what I could do to them? Was I actually protecting them in that particular moment from something that may have come out of me and gone into them? I have no idea. I just know that I trust the integrity of it because I see the wiring.

This is the way in which I am intended to have an Authority so I don’t get into a mental trip about “I don’t get it.” There are things that I don’t get about it. There are, they happen too fast. And I’ve been paying attention for a long time now. I’ve gotten to layers of my intuition that I was never aware of before. But there are still things that happened so fast I don’t get it, they just fly by. It’s different when you’re operating within the nuances.


~ Ra Uru Hu

In 1992, as Ra Uru Hu began training the first students of The Human Design System, the International Human Design School was founded, and after many years of experiments, experiences and evolution, the IHDS represents a landmark in Human Design Education. The IHDS operates as part of the parent organization, Jovian Archive, Inc., and is responsible for setting and maintaining educational standards and materials for Human Design worldwide, and is the official certifying agency and record keeper for Human Design Professionals. The IHDS is currently licensed and run by Lynda Bunnell. Visit the International Human Design School website.

About IHDS

In 1992, as Ra Uru Hu began training the first students of The Human Design System, the International Human Design School was founded, and after many years of experiments, experiences and evolution, the IHDS represents a landmark in Human Design Education. The IHDS operates as part of the parent organization, Jovian Archive, Inc., and is responsible for setting and maintaining educational standards and materials for Human Design worldwide, and is the official certifying agency and record keeper for Human Design Professionals. The IHDS is currently licensed and run by Lynda Bunnell. Visit the International Human Design School website.