It started in a way that was beyond perfection for me. Back in June, I was having a conversation with a friend who had just made plans for his vacation. He had it all planned out and it truly sounded wonderful. “Wow. You’re going to have a lot of fun…
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Famous Raves with Randy Richmond and Theresa Blanding Nicolas Cage's Birth Data: July 7, 1964 5:30 Harbor City, California - USA ~ Randy and Theresa can be reached at:
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Ra's Words of Wisdom Then there is enormous bitterness in the world. We’re the lucky ones. We live in a peaceful affluent society. The world is full of bitterness because bitterness is a human theme and it’s a much greater theme than anger or frustration. It’s just not as powerful...
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Ra's Words of Wisdom But one of those things about, as a professional looking at somebody’s design for the first time, one of the most important things to calculate, the way in which you dissect that particular chart is to see it in the context of its aura. I don't...
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Yesterday I found myself at Starbucks having coffee with a Projector friend. She's just beginning to learn about Human Design and told me that she's creating bodygraph charts of everyone she knows including her whole family, co-workers, her friends and even her boss. I smiled and told her how typical...
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