Ra’s Words of Wisdom
These are forces. Don’t just see them through gates. This is what makes channels so profound. They are a force. Yes, the gate; we‘ll give you the nuance and the line, and so forth and so on. But you need to grasp the power of the force itself so that you can accept it if it‘s in you. Then you can see clearly what it is. And it’s okay. If you’re 64/47 and there is all stuff going on, it’s okay, as long as all that stuff isn‘t telling you what to do and as long as you’re not obeying. That’s the real secret; everything is okay. It is what it is.
In the end it becomes valuable to the other. Not just in the form of you conditioning the other physically, but what is possible out of your Outer Authority. The purity of that, the beauty of that starts with the simple: Strategy and Authority. You can never figure out and control what you’re meant to be. You can only live it. And that means letting go of all of your expectations and your identification with this and that and the other thing. Give yourself self a chance to actually see who you can be. That’s really the great joy in this, because it‘s a surprise, always.
~ Ra Uru Hu