Ra’s Words of Wisdom
What you get on the personality side moving to the right. This is the great illusion of the Sun/Earth on the personality side. The great illusion of the Sun/Earth is that it’s everything, the vanity of the 70%, that it’s everything. And yet, when you look carefully at it, even though it carries such importance in the way in which we look at things in analysis, what you really need to see is that whenever you’re looking at the Sun/Earth you‘re looking at style, not substance. The substance comes from elsewhere. It comes from the nodal view. It comes from the lunar and planetary square. The substance comes from elsewhere. It‘s a style.
After all, what is your incarnation cross but a style? And I don’t mean to be rude and narrow about incarnation crosses, but to be a clarion, I‘m a clarion, it’s a style. It‘s a certain way, it‘s a style. Yes, it‘s theater; it’s the style that the personality takes on. Psycho drama, I think they called it, those wild things in the 60s. I don‘t know if you ever saw those things. They were wild.
It‘s a style that the personality has. And that style is reflected not just simply in the cross, but it is reflected in the profile, it is reflected in the lines. This is a style. Don’t be confused about substance. You have to see what the style really represents. This is the style that emerges out of this construct. It doesn’t control the construct. It doesn’t make it happen. It doesn’t matter whether this is left or right. It‘s just a difference in the way in which the brain system works. It‘s a different way in which the body metabolizes, ultimately a different way in which information is processed. But it’s very different from what the style is.
~ Ra Uru Hu