A Rave New Year Message from Ra Uru Hu:
“The Rave New Year is a mechanical reality. It is truly the beginning of what is an annual process. The key to this is the 41st gate, which has to do with the relationship of the hexagrams of the I’Ching, to the codons of our genetic code. The 41st gate, which is known in the I’Ching as Decrease, is associated with a start codon, Methionine. This is the only start codon.
In all the genetic forms of life, all the bioforms on this planet, their genetic code it’s written in such a way that at the beginning of every single piece of strung out data, at the beginning of every so-called genetic sentence, at the very beginning, the only way a genetic sentence can begin is with the 41st codon. It’s why when the Sun enters into the 41st gate that we’re really dealing with something that’s special. That is, we’re dealing with the Sun entering into a position in which its influence in that 41st gate is influencing all forms of life, and influencing them at the beginning of what is a solar cycle.
The 41st gate is in the Root center so every year begins with a pressure. It begins with the pressure to start things. The 41st hexagram is a hexagram of decrease. And it’s really decrease in the sense of what a gardener does at the end of the growing season when they cut everything back. And they cut everything back so that it can sprout anew. And the 41st gate is about this eternal font of potential inherent in human beings.
When you look at the BodyGraph, you see a movement from the 41st gate in the Root center to the 30th gate in the Solar Plex, to the 36th gate also in the Solar Plex, and then up to the 35th gate in the Throat center – this part of the BodyGraph is called the human experiential way. It is literally about the nature of what it is to be human on this plane. And this is the stream of desire – a desire for experience. Through fantasy you can dream about an experience and the pressure will move us into the experience. It is the human experiential way.”
Below is the Chart for 2017 Rave New Year. I encourage you to study it, look up the lines and contemplate it to see if you can determine what the 2017 experiential way will look like for the world.
I hope you have a correct new year!
Lynda Bunnell