Ra’s Words of Wisdom
The first thing to see very clearly is to go to the middle, go to the Nodes of the Moon. Now, it says here ‘Direction.’ What I really want you to understand is that it’s not so much direction in the sense of this is where you go, but this is what it’s going to look like as you’re going along that way. That’s why the Nodes are so important.
Let me digress for a moment. I think if you look at the way in which the database of any calculation is worked out and you look at all the planetary objects and the Moon and the Sun, it’s very easy for us to forget that within that context the Nodes just don’t fit in. They’re unlike anything else in the way we calculate our basic design.
What we’re dealing with everything other than the Sun is the filtering of the neutrino stream. We’re dealing with objects that get in the way of the neutrino stream and thus transform its information.
The great discovery in 1996 of the validity that neutrinos have mass—the way in which they discovered that was they were able to see the oscillation of neutrinos as they moved through the Earth. In other words, there was an interaction that takes place. So when you’re looking at all of the planets and the Moon, what you’re looking at are objects that filter the neutrino ocean.
It’s very interesting to me that the “ancients” loved to say that all of the planets were evil because they got in the way of the light, that they were all there to distort the perfection of the information that we could all receive. In some sense, I suppose, there is a truth in that. However, what makes the Nodes so special is that they are positions. If you go back into ancient Hindu Brahman astrology, you will see how important, even then in the deep awareness of their own revelation in their own time, how significant the Nodes were. As a matter of fact, they had names. They were really something very significant.
For me it’s clear that, because they are positions, what we get through the Nodal portals is a direct communication from the star field beyond wherever the Nodes happens to be. In other words, this is trans-solar system or trans-cellular information. So what you’re looking at is the Nodes are bringing us the themes of the environment from outside the box.
In other words, this is the environment that everything else has to play in. Whether it’s Mercury or Uranus, they’re going to play in the environment of the Nodal neighborhood. So, the Nodal themes, and your ability to read the gates and lines of the Nodes is the deepest gift you can bring to cycle analysis, because it will tell you everything you need to know about the thematic in front of these beings.
~ Ra Uru Hu