Ra’s Words of Wisdom
Think about life and death and rebirth, reincarnation. Every human being because of the nature of the way in which our skin is designed is that at any given moment we are losing tens of hundreds of millions of cells that die. If I move my hand along my arm like this, the moment that I do that, millions of cells die. When I was given the design of forms, the first form of life is the single cell. It’s the first form I was given, the single cell. So every single cell has a Design Crystal. Every single cell has a Personality. Every single cell lives and dies and is reborn because if you could see it what you would see is the hundreds of thousands, the millions of cells, their crystals going down into the earth and immediately being replaced.
If you looked out at the world with these eyes, you would see this prana. You would see the breathing of the planet. You would see the coming in and the going out. You would see it is not a question of whether creatures such as us, this incarnation, are something that is a human oriented thing. It’s in everything. And the number of Personality Crystals is finite. It’s not like there are any more being made. We’re all recycled one way or another, all of us.
We live in a crystal consciousness field. It’s what I love so much about the Jovian logo, the man with his head through the sky. This is what we have to catch a glimpse of every once in awhile, the three trillion neutrinos pouring through this space, to try to catch a glimpse of that, to look out into the world and see it alive with crystal consciousness and to understand that these are not just nothing, this is not just material filling up space, this is the form principle in the neutrino ocean vibrating with life and death and movement. It’s actually quite beautiful if you could see it.
~ Ra Uru Hu