A BG5 Business Event
Fast Track To Building a Business or Career You Love
What’s New in BG5 and the Professional Development Program
Join us for a FREE webinar on Nov 10, 2015 at 18:00 GMT
Get a glimpse into the power of BG5 and how it can put you on the right track for success in your career and business PLUS learn about our new Professional Development Program that will give you tools, strategies and practical business skills to promote and get your business seen and noticed by potential clients.

Lynda Bunnell
Lynda Bunnell will kick off the event with introductions and her vision for both the BG5 Business Institute and the Professional Development Program.
The core value that we operate from is “by helping people excel in their work life, an overall well-being is created that increases their quality of life. Their quality of life impacts their family and community, and ultimately helps to better our world.” ~ Lynda Bunnell
BG5 Certification Course
Our first BG5 Certification Course, using business terminology, is half-way through its second semester. Students are quickly adapting to the business terminology. Karen Sherwood, who’s assisting Lynda Bunnell in teaching the course, says that her clients readily accept and understand the information. It makes sense to them right off the bat.
“It’s become easier to communicate with my clients, it’s [the new business terminology] more powerful and has more impact in the business world. Clients are more open and understand the BG5 concepts quickly and easily. Now BG5 can be accessible to a wider audience.” ~ Karen Sherwood
Karen has over 25 years of management experience including owning her own training, coaching and consulting business. Karen brings her knowledge and real-world field experience to the BG5™ Business Institute.
Enthusiastic Students
There are more than a dozen students enrolled in this first BG5 Certification Course. A number of them already have their BG5 Certification and are auditing the class to become familiar with how to use business terminology in their BG5 Consultant Businesses. It’s a lively and robust class full of enthusiastic participants.

Lisa Friedman
Lisa Friedman is enrolled in the BG5 Certification Course. She’s also a student in Professional Analyst training and a Certified Living Your Design Guide. When asked if the business approach resonated with her and if it has been a difficult transition from Human Design language Lisa replied,
“Studying BG5 has accelerated my ability to understand the knowledge, by using another way to explain the same concepts. It’s clearer and has given me a confidence boost in my Professional Analyst Training. It makes it so easy to explain the BG5 area of Human Design to a wider and more general audience.” ~ Lisa Friedman
Studying BG5 in Other Languages
Josette Lamotte, Juan José Piedra Molina and Anna Schuster hold BG5™ Consultant Training in Spanish, French, German and Italian languages. You can contact them directly for information on their upcoming courses by visiting our Other Languages page on www.bg5businessinstitute.com.
Interested? You’re invited to come to the BG5 Business Event and find out more. Register here >>
Professional Development Program
Professional development traditionally encompasses all types of facilitated learning opportunities from academic degrees to formal coursework, conferences and informal learning opportunities situated in practice. It’s been described as intensive and collaborative, ideally incorporating an evaluative stage. There are a variety of approaches to professional development, including consultation, coaching, communities of practice, lesson study, mentoring, reflective supervision and technical assistance.
The IHDS and the BG5 Business Institute are pleased to present a new course of study, The Professional Development Program (PDP). This program will support Professional Analysts of all types, BG5 Business Consultants and Living Your Design Guides by providing practical tools and resources to start and grow their business practices. The formula will be the same as the other programs the IHDS and BG5 Business Institute offer… various Courses offered during the three Semesters of study in an online classroom during the school year. Each course will include lectures, Q&A, practicums and Instructor-led forums.
Ra felt professional development was an important and necessary part of bringing the knowledge out into the world. Ra joined Lynda Bunnell and Cathy Kinnaird during Class One of the Professional Development Program’s first semester in 2009.
“This knowledge is powerful … we want the spirit in which it’s presented to be powerful. Representatives have to act in a way that displays the grace that comes with the knowledge. Standards of professionalism in human design, at the lowest common denominator, should be substantial.” ~ Ra Uru Hu
Ruth Brennan will be leading The Professional Development program. She’s the owner of a Creative Agency specializing in Branding for small- to medium-sized businesses. Ruth’s also a Certified Living Your Design Guide, and is studying to be a Professional Analyst. She’ll be a Certified as a BG5 Consultant as of March 2016.
“I’m passionate about putting a spotlight on people’s hopes and dreams for success in the material world. I believe BG5™ is an amazing tool to help people (especially young people) in their careers and business align with their uniqueness … and become successful, satisfied, peaceful or even surprised at what their special talents and gifts contribute to the world … to embrace who they are and not what they think they should be. That’s when their genius can come shining through.”
“My life’s work has been about supporting others to achieve success, whatever that might mean to them, in their career and business.” ~ Ruth Brennan
Ruth has over 35 years of experience including owning her own Creative & Marketing Agency. She’s held management positions in large corporations, owned a small business, and worked as a solo-entrepreneur. This year, Ruth has been working closely with Lynda Bunnell to rebrand BG5 and build the new BG5 website. She also lends her creative and artist talent to other materials the BG5 Business Institute and the IHDS has presented this year. Ruth brings her knowledge and real-world experience to the Professional Development Program. During the past several years, her company’s specialty has been to help small- to medium-sized businesses bring their brand out into the world. It’s her passion and a perfect segue into heading up the PDP.
Semester 1 of the PDP will start in January 2016. Details of Courses available in 2016 will be available soon.
Interested? You’re invited to come to the BG5 Business Event. Register here >>