Can you grasp the importance of the part you play?

Quarter of Initiation - Purpose fulfilled through Mind

The Quarter of Initiation starts with the Solar Transit in Gate 13.
This Quarter has the responsibility for consciousness, it’s the mind game and The Witness.
The Witness must return and explore at the next level what it is to be in this incredible mutative vehicle of ours.
People born in this Quarter will only fulfill their purpose by achieving clarity on the mental plane.
“So, this very first quarter is called Initiation with its mystical theme: The witness returns. In a way everything starts. We can see it in one’s life, we can see in an evolutionary process of civilization and mankind. We can see it building a house. You name it.
So, everything starts here. Everything starts here in that quarter. And it’s called, when it starts something, Initiation. What we know about initiation, this is purpose fulfilled through the mind. But please do not mix it up with making decisions with the mind, because when I was not very familiar with Human Design and when I heard about purpose fulfilled through mind, I was just thinking, first of all I have an open Head/Ajna. I should make my decisions with the Sacral Center.
That’s interesting that I have it’s my quarter where I was born in, my purpose is fulfilled through the mind. And of course, it’s fulfilled through the mind because you can learn so much. You can really apply the mind as an outer authority without using it as an inner authority.
Everything starts here with the mind. The mind plans and of course the body makes a division. But here this quarter is about exploring the human consciousness. So, that really means every single gate that we will look at is really dedicated to a mind as outer authority and in one way or another, having the topic and the thematic to explore human consciousness with that general theme of a hexagram.”
Dr. Andrea Reikl-Wolf from Journey Around the Wheel with Cathy Kinnaird

Love Yourself,
Marketing & Creative Director at the IHDS
Ruth Brennan is a Certified Professional Analyst, Living Your Design Guide, Certified BG5 Consultant and Teacher at the IHDS.

She and Lynda Bunnell co-authored "A New Kind of Awakening," A Newcomer's Guide to Human Design.

About Ruth Brennan

Ruth Brennan is a Certified Professional Analyst, Living Your Design Guide, Certified BG5 Consultant and Teacher at the IHDS. She and Lynda Bunnell co-authored "A New Kind of Awakening," A Newcomer's Guide to Human Design.