Ra’s Words of Wisdom
This is the vehicle itself. And it leads us to grasp something that is very, very important. We have two consciousnesses. We are binary consciousness. We are a dualistic consciousness. In the basic introduction to Human Design I talk about the crystals of consciousness, the yin and the yang of that. And these crystals of consciousness—the Personality Crystal, the Design Crystal—are not related to each other. It’s not like they know each other or have a cabal with each other. They’re very different.
Yet, they are each consciousness potential. The Design consciousness, the vehicle consciousness, is what we have ignored for so long. And it is the consciousness that runs our vehicle. And not runs our vehicle in the sense that it requires mechanics and technicians and whatever. It’s conscious. It is a living, interactive consciousness. Our vehicle is driven, guided, moved by a consciousness that has nothing to do with our Personality and we have no access to it. But it’s not mind.
The magic of Type is that Type allows you to see almost instantaneously where your true Design consciousness Authority lies. It’s not like we’re giving up consciousness when we turn to Strategy and we turn to the vehicle’s mechanics. We are shifting from a consciousness of helplessness to a consciousness of empowerment. Yet, we have no access to it, no conscious access to it. No way in which we can participate in that process. All we get to participate with is the mind and its endless turning over of the varieties of the “this and the that‟ in the spectrum.
When you enter into your process correctly as yourself, what you are really doing is turning over conscious Authority to your vehicle. And you are placing your Personality in a situation where the best that it can do is just see. To get to that place is really an accomplishment. We are cursed by the very consciousness of our Personality, that that is what’s on the surface, that that is what we see.
When you look at somebody’s chart—I’ve done thousands and thousands of readings—if you tell them about what’s colored in in black, it’s all so familiar to them. “That’s me, that’s me, that’s me.” And then you start describing what’s red and there’s this kind of “I don’t know if that’s me, but people say that’s me,” it’s alien. It’s what’s been grafted on to them. They don’t really know. It’s like that person who has a defined Emotional system and all of the ways in which it’s defined is unconscious. They don’t even know that they’re emotional themselves. Everybody else does. Everybody else will remind them of that. But being reminded of that doesn’t bring them any certainty, because they have no conscious access to it.
Then the mind is in turmoil because the mind is always in turmoil. That’s what mind is good at, being in turmoil. It’s terrified of helplessness. It’s terrified of choicelessness. Mind hates all that. And mind hates all that because it has been conditioned to hate all that—the not-self. The only way that the mind can maintain the illusion of authority is by moving away from who you are.
~ Ra Uru Hu