Ra’s Words of Wisdom
It’s one of the things to understand about the Splenic system and its basic fears because these are the most powerful fears in the body. And they are the most powerful fears in the body because of the very nature of the Spleen itself, because the Spleen is breathlessly spontaneous. And what I mean by that is it is both its treasure and its handicap.
The Spleen can only express itself in the moment. It’s not a motor. It is not an empowered thing. There is this expression, an existential expression and that’s all it is capable of. It isn’t capable of anything else. And because of that it plants as deep a seed as it can of that fear in that moment. Now, the dilemma for most human beings is that living on the mental plane that the nature of the mind itself is that the mind is something that operates in a frequency over all time. It doesn’t really pay attention to moment by moment. The most difficult thing of all for mind is to be truly existential. There is constantly this flow in the mind over time.
But the Spleen is this (sound). It’s there and it’s gone. So these fears are fears that can be very uncomfortable because you can’t go back and say, why are we afraid of that, what’s wrong? There’s no answer, which is often a terrible dilemma for Splenic beings because they go to their mind for the answer. And the mind has no idea, no understanding, and no knowing about the Spleen. It doesn’t. They are so far apart from each other. They really are. It’s one of the great dilemmas. And of course mind is something that will immediately get in the way of what in those that have it, true Splenic authority.
~ Ra Uru Hu