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June 2024

Ra's Words of Wisdom

The Background Shroud of the Crystals of Consciousness

By | General Information, Human Design, The Science of Differentiation, Ra Uru Hu, The Founder, Ra's Words of Wisdom, Strategy & Authority | No Comments
Ra's Words of Wisdom But something to understand is that this background shroud of the crystals of consciousness is where the programming agency is because this is where the differentiated neutrino ocean is broken down into these various components that we graphically lay out in the wheel. And all of...
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SOLAR TRANSITS: Gate 52, Stillness – Keeping Still Mountain

By | Human Design, The Science of Differentiation, Rave I'Ching, Ruth Brennan, Solar Transits | No Comments
Gate 52, The Gate of Stillness June 25 - June 30 TO THE MIND THAT IS STILL, THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE SURRENDERS. ~ Lao Tzu The energy of this Solar Transit may be described as passive tension. This Buddha-like frequency brings potential for deep staying power, focus and concentration. It brings...
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Ra's Words of Wisdom

Individual Channels Have the Chemistry of Melancholy

By | General Information, Human Design, The Science of Differentiation, Ra Uru Hu, The Founder, Ra's Words of Wisdom | No Comments
Ra's Words of Wisdom The 28/38 is an individual channel. And individual channels carry a certain chemistry. The chemistry is the chemistry of melancholy. It's actually a binary. The muse is melancholy. Individuality by its very nature is creative. On one side of that creativity is the byproduct of the...
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