Famous Raves with Randy Richmond and Theresa Blanding Mel Gibson's Birth Data: January 3rd, 1956, 16:45 5:30 Peekskill, New York - USA ~ Randy and Theresa can be reached at: http://www.humandesignservices.com
Read More Ever had a conversation with a 2nd line Profile person like this: Q-Wanna go to the new Tom Cruise movie? A- Not really. Q- OK, how about that program on X? A- Nope, don't find that all that interesting. Q- Well then, what about the neighborhood block party? A- Uhn...
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Relationships are a fundamental building block of human life. We are born into a relationship and we grow and develop through our relationships. As 7-centered humans we have entered into relationships for a variety of reasons: to meet physical needs, for emotional support, to find a companion to our daily...
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Hello Everyone! We have been very busy for the past several months getting ready to launch the new International BG5 Institute. I am so excited to now be able to share it with all of you. Presenting BG5 (Career & Business Analysis) to the mainstream world was a vision and...
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Everything in Human Design tells you something about who you are and how you operate, but few things give you as much day-to-day insight into yourself as your Profile. And yet, from my experience with clients (and some students), it seems few know much beyond the most basic descriptions from...
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Famous Raves with Randy Richmond and Theresa Blanding Nicolas Cage's Birth Data: July 7, 1964 5:30 Harbor City, California - USA ~ Randy and Theresa can be reached at: http://www.humandesignservices.com
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Ra's Words of Wisdom If you are somebody that has the 59-6, you are an emotional Generator. And the 59-6 standing there by itself alone—I love simplicity. I love the joke and the irony of simplicity. The 59-6 is an emotional Generator by itself. The strategy of an emotional Generator...
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Famous Raves with Randy Richmond and Theresa Blanding Chuck Close Birth Data: July 5, 1940 13:30 Monroe, Washington - USA ~ Randy and Theresa can be reached at: http://www.humandesignservices.com
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Ra's Words of Wisdom Then there is enormous bitterness in the world. We’re the lucky ones. We live in a peaceful affluent society. The world is full of bitterness because bitterness is a human theme and it’s a much greater theme than anger or frustration. It’s just not as powerful...
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Testimonials from Ella Aboutboul's Classes Ella's Projector classes are wonderful. They are deep, rich experiences which give our Projector group a unique, rare and delicious opportunity to be and engage with other Projectors, in a correct flow of Projector energy. What a priceless learning journey! Leslie Austin, Ph.D. It was...
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