Ra’s Words of Wisdom

Ra Uru Hu

So let’s begin with the Generator. I’ve told a lot of Generator stories over the years. In many ways I was deeply fooled by Generators. As a matter of fact, I had spent my entire life being conditioned by Generators. I’m a Manifestor and I have a totally undefined Sacral Center so I have been very much influenced by Generators in my life. They’re an incredible force. I tried to explain to Generators that they are the only holy ones. And of course, I don’t mean to offend Projectors and Reflectors and Manifestors. However, the reality is that everything about planet earth is in the hands of a Generator.

The first thing to understand about the Generator is to understand the Generator’s aura. It has this enveloping aura, an open aura that’s enveloping. Now, that sounds like it’s taking everything in, this enveloping aura. It goes around everything, surrounds everything within its auric field. But something to really understand about the Generator is that instead of so much taking it in, and it does, is that it puts the life force out.

The thing to understand about the Generator is that the Generator is literally, moment- by-moment, breath-by-breath generating the life force through its aura. And if you think about the fact that Generators represent slightly less than 70% of humanity, that’s Generators and Manifesting Generators together—a Generator is a Generator is a Generator—that this almost 70% of Generators represents nearly 5 billion people on the planet. If you think about the world that we live in and you think about the Generator enveloping aura, that wherever there are human beings there are human beings living inside a Generator generated bubble. And that bubble generates one thing consistently: frustration.

We live on an earthly plane in which the one thing that stands out is the deep, deep, deep frustration that is the hallmark of life on this planet. It’s not like I want Generators to feel guilty; though, I don’t mind if they do, quite frankly. Anything that can wake a Generator up, I’ll take. Manifestors like me, who go plowing through this life, do not have in any way shape or form the same capacity to transform the life as a Generator. It’s the Generators that I can impact as a Manifestor that might, in fact, be able to change the world because they are the world, they are life, and they are the life force.

You take away all the Generators, and the Reflectors and the Projectors and the Manifestors wilt like cut flowers. It’s a Generator world. It’s my joke about the temple at Delphi, the one that said, “Know Thyself.” There used to be a sign above it that said, “Generators Only.” And at the same time, the Generator Strategy seems to be on the surface the simplest damn thing you could imagine: Respond, don’t initiate, respond, don’t initiate, respond. It’s so incredibly simple it’s mind boggling, and it’s perfect.

This is what the Generator is about. This is a response machine constantly responding to a sound, to something they see, to something that happens, whatever the case may be. And the Generator in response is absolutely perfect. I used to tell that story about Generators. Let’s say this Generator is a little girl and is invited to: “Would you like to do ballet?” This little girl answers with this Throat. And she says, “Oh, yes, I’d love to do ballet. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do.” So off she goes to ballet class. She goes to ballet class and quite frankly she just can’t get it. She tries, she tries really hard but she just can’t get it. And at some point she gets deeply, deeply frustrated and quits. “I don’t want to do that.”

The Throat Center doesn’t dance. The dancing is here. And of course, this is the enormous dilemma for the Generator, that the Generator is a human. And we human beings are gregarious, communicating, verbalizing creatures. It’s what we do. Oh, you have that little baby of yours and that baby is around a year old and you’re tired of baby talk and you want that baby to say something, you want it to articulate. As a matter of fact, if it doesn’t articulate on time you go into full panic. And all you want to do is nurture that articulating capacity in that child.

Yes, on the surface I understand that. It is what it is to be human. This is the way in which we communicate very detailed information to each other. But you also have to see that given that nearly 70% of humanity is Generators, from the moment they come into the world the pressure on them is to leave their Generator sounds behind and to enter into the domain of articulation. And that no longer when somebody speaks to them is that other going to be satisfied with anything less than an articulated response. “How are you?” “I’m fine.” “You tell me how you are.”

What’s so extraordinary about Generators is that they may be the great generative life force on the planet, but most Generators, the Sacral Center itself are atrophying Centers. They’re wilting. They have never been used correctly. They have simply been taken advantage of in terms of their physical power.

But the children who come into the world who are born as Generators, the first thing They’re taught is to leave that behind. Not only that, but they’re conditioned to be Manifestors. They’re conditioned to initiate. And that if they don’t initiate they are assumed to be slow, problem children, unmotivated, and on and on and on and on, all the pretend homogenized problems supposedly the Generator children have that they don’t have.

But what is a Generator? The Generator has to have the ability to set the terms. This is the whole thing for a Generator to grasp that you were given this power so you could establish the terms. The most difficult thing for the Generator is its mind. I remember the look on the faces of Generator women when I would say to them, “If you want Prince Charming you have to wait for Prince Charming to want you.” And that look that says, “There is no Prince Charming that will ever want me. If I don’t go after things, I will not get them.” It’s amazing how many Generators believe that and suffer the consequences of it.

It’s very simple. I love that Tom Wait’s line: The large print given and the small print taken away. It’s extraordinary the potential of the Generator, and simple. But they do have an open and enveloping aura so they take in deep conditioning from the beginning. And that deep conditioning influences their mind. “If I am waiting, I am missing things,” says the Generator mind. “I’m going to miss it; I’m going to miss this, I’m going to miss that. They won’t just come to me, they won’t just ask me.”

It’s like those Generators when I was first introducing Type and their Type to them who would say to me things like, “I’m going to have to tell people to ask me.” No, you don’t have to tell anybody to ask you. You’re a Generator and you have a Generator’s aura and it is an enveloping aura and it takes the other in so deeply, it’s such a powerful force and if you just stay silent, they’re forced to ask you, and then it’s correct.

When I meet Generators who have taken the radial path, and there is a radial path, the absolute denial of initiation, life finds you. But you have to deal with the battle with your mind, the mind that desires, the mind that wants, the mind that is so deeply afraid, the mind of this Generator with its open Spleen and its fears for its very survival, for its security, for its well-being, fears that turn its mind into a clutching, grasping, holding on mind. “I just can’t wait. I’m vulnerable. I have to do this, and I have to do that. I can’t wait for a job to come. I can’t wait for the right thing to be there. I can’t; I’m afraid.”

The mind is a very powerful thing. No one experiences transformation more quickly than a Generator that’s correct; and yet, what an ordeal. This Sacral Center and these sounds—it’s been a funny, long-running conversation with Generators over all of these years. I know Generators who work with Generators. It’s amazing how damaged the Sacral is in so many Generators. How difficult it is at times to even get that Sacral to begin to truly express itself.

And there’s something else that I think Generators really miss about the nature of the Sacral. It’s not aware. The Sacral is sort of like having a music system and it’s mono, so you only have one speaker, and the speaker is the Sacral. After all, as a Generator your Sacral is only defining you as a Generator because it’s connected to Something.

The Sacral speaks in the same way that the Throat speaks. And the Sacral speaks specifically for Definition. If you have your Sacral connected to the Spleen, then every time your Sacral makes a decision it’s based on your immune system. In other words, the Sacral is expressing aspects of your fixed nature. And it needs to be allowed to speak; you need to hear it. Question and response is something that is deeply important for Generators, not so much for the answers. Yes, they’re interesting, but in fact, the answers are only of value because they interest the mind. “I think this; what’s my Sacral going to think?” Interesting for the mind, it keeps the mind occupied in the experiment.

What’s really important in the question and response is that you begin to wake up the Sacral’s power to be the spokesperson for the Authority of the vehicle, and that Sacral response is so important. When I ask a Generator anything and the first response is verbal, I don’t give it much credence because I know that may or may not be anything like the truth in terms of what the response is. The response that comes out of the Sacral you can always trust.

The other thing is the Generator in relationship, and to recognize the potential of Generators together, how profound that is. That is, the potential of having what can be such an incredibly honest relationship between two beings as long as there is mutual question and response. But most important is to see the damage that is done to Generator children and how important it is to raise Generators as Generators, that they understand where they can find their truth, that they learn to see that by responding with a sound followed by articulation is acceptable. But just responding with articulation leads them separate and away from their true Authority and their true ability to make decisions as themselves.

The real dilemma for the Generator is when the Generator is Emotional. The Emotional system always brings this no truth in the now, and the demands of patience and time. One of my favorite things for Emotional Generators is to remind them of their power to get exactly what they want if they can learn how to reject. It’s not an easy thing for Generators with their open and enveloping aura. But the fact of the matter is, that for an Emotional Generator it’s always necessary that even when Prince Charming shows up you tell Prince Charming no matter what you feel in that moment that you’re busy and that it will have to wait, and you won’t lose Prince Charming. You’ll just increase Prince Charming’s desire.

It‟s something to understand about the power of the Emotional system. It is such a deep source of pleasure. Yes, there’s pain on the other side, but for those that are seeking the Emotional being, in fact they are willing to wait a long time in order to gain access to what they consider to be something that is really of value to them. Generators are responsible for the world that we live in. Every time that you can influence somebody, every time you meet somebody who is a Generator, it’s so important to let them know the basic Strategy to avoid initiation, to respond, to learn how to respond with sounds. And in that, open up the whole potential of finally being able to live a life in which frustration is not the theme, but satisfaction is really the reality.

~ Ra Uru Hu

In 1992, as Ra Uru Hu began training the first students of The Human Design System, the International Human Design School was founded, and after many years of experiments, experiences and evolution, the IHDS represents a landmark in Human Design Education. The IHDS operates as part of the parent organization, Jovian Archive, Inc., and is responsible for setting and maintaining educational standards and materials for Human Design worldwide, and is the official certifying agency and record keeper for Human Design Professionals. The IHDS is currently licensed and run by Lynda Bunnell. Visit the International Human Design School website.

About IHDS

In 1992, as Ra Uru Hu began training the first students of The Human Design System, the International Human Design School was founded, and after many years of experiments, experiences and evolution, the IHDS represents a landmark in Human Design Education. The IHDS operates as part of the parent organization, Jovian Archive, Inc., and is responsible for setting and maintaining educational standards and materials for Human Design worldwide, and is the official certifying agency and record keeper for Human Design Professionals. The IHDS is currently licensed and run by Lynda Bunnell. Visit the International Human Design School website.