Lynda Bunnell

Hello Everyone,

It’s an exciting time at the IHDS!

In continuing with Ra’s legacy, it is so important that we continue to share Human Design with the world. As he would say, we change lives one person at a time. I’m reminded of when Ra was doing some intensive on-line teaching starting in 2003. He was teaching Rave Psychology, Primary Heath System, BG5 Business and Career Consulting and Rave Cosmology! He would often joke how interesting it was for him to go from the esoteric of Rave Cosmology to the mundane of BG5 Business and Career Consulting.

Rave Cosmology is the esoteric and mystical side of Human Design. For the first 18 years after the birth of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu focused on what was logical and empirical about Human Design. He often said: “Don’t believe me and do not trust me. Try it for yourself; test it for yourself. This is mechanical knowledge that can be tested by each and everyone of us”.

Ra did not want to be worshiped as a Guru or be placed on a pedestal. He did not want to create followers or believers, but he did (grudgingly) accept the role as messenger, as he wanted to empower you to be your own authority by giving you practical tools to live your life according to your true nature.

Ra said, “Nothing has concerned me more than the legitimacy of this knowledge. It is why it is so important for me to explore the depths of design and personality to get to the very core and foundation of the knowledge. This is a true science, and it is a miracle science.”

Once Human Design was established as a practical yet transformational tool, he felt a responsibility to bring forward the mystical side of Human Design by sharing his experience directly with us. He empowered us to carry this information forward to share it with the rest of the world generation by generation.

Teaching the Rave Cosmology of Human Design is the opportunity to bring balance to this knowledge and to show how vast and profound the source of this knowledge really is.

“It is time to give the Voice its due and allow this mechanical, simple view of the cosmology to be accessible and to be available.”  Ra Uru Hu

A New Mythology

In Ra’s words, “We are going to share a synthetic mythology that underlies all other mythologies. Human Design is the neck of the hourglass, not the sand that is moving through. It’s simply a filter, a matrix, if you will; and anything that goes through this matrix can be seen in an extraordinary way. It does not matter what discipline you come from in this life. It’s obvious that this cosmology is a primary language that is a root language with core names which hold tremendous power.”

There really are no words to describe just how profound it is to teach this material. For me it is a full circle experience to delve deeply into the process of preparing to teach and then to teach this. There is no end to the journey of self-awareness and peace that is available to us through Human Design, and Rave Cosmology is like the icing on the cake or the beautiful bow on a package. It wraps around this amazing body of knowledge and brings balance and sweet satisfaction.

If you feel called to share Human Design Rave Cosmology with others, please join us for an incredible journey through this vast ocean of knowledge. Once you take this journey you will be forever transformed. Anyone interested in Rave Cosmology may take this course. It is open to the general public as well as those interested in becoming Certified Rave Cosmology Teachers.

This profound program begins in September 2016. Please click here to download the new Rave Cosmology Brochure.


In 1992, as Ra Uru Hu began training the first students of The Human Design System, the International Human Design School was founded, and after many years of experiments, experiences and evolution, the IHDS represents a landmark in Human Design Education. The IHDS operates as part of the parent organization, Jovian Archive, Inc., and is responsible for setting and maintaining educational standards and materials for Human Design worldwide, and is the official certifying agency and record keeper for Human Design Professionals. The IHDS is currently licensed and run by Lynda Bunnell. Visit the International Human Design School website.

About IHDS

In 1992, as Ra Uru Hu began training the first students of The Human Design System, the International Human Design School was founded, and after many years of experiments, experiences and evolution, the IHDS represents a landmark in Human Design Education. The IHDS operates as part of the parent organization, Jovian Archive, Inc., and is responsible for setting and maintaining educational standards and materials for Human Design worldwide, and is the official certifying agency and record keeper for Human Design Professionals. The IHDS is currently licensed and run by Lynda Bunnell. Visit the International Human Design School website.