If you’re going to live out this life as yourself you have to live your Definition. This is what you’re here for. We make it simple in a way. We say, “Look, ok, here’s your Strategy, here’s your Authority, so you don’t have to think about it because your Strategy and Authority is based on your Definition, and it’s going to live through that Definition, express itself through that Definition.”
But I’m a teacher of self-love. It’s an essential ingredient. If you’re going to have any kind of transcendence in this life you need to be able to stand before the mirror, and not the mundane mirror on the wall, but the mirror that you can always put in front of you and stand before that mirror and love what you see. The only place that you find that love is in your Definition. This is what makes you unique, special, and different. This is the potential of your glory, your beauty, your truth, whatever it may be. It’s in the Definition.
And when you begin to live out your Definition and when you begin to see it flourish, when you take away responsibility in this life from the mind and you allow your Strategy to move you, you get to see that you’re worthy of love, and you are. Whenever anyone talks about love, I’m not Mr. New Age and I’m certainly not schmaltzy; these kinds of things can just turn into propaganda and claptrap. For me, self-love is the first love. If you don’t get there, all the other ones are just measurement.
To love yourself is an ordeal for most human beings. Human beings don’t like themselves because of the nature of their openness, because they live in inconsistent, conditioned Definitions all the time, because there is no stability, because they don’t seem to have what they think they’re supposed to have, and because that mirror they can hold up is never, never, never fulfilled. This is not a mirror that says “I love myself.” This is a mirror that says, “I know what’s wrong, I know what’s missing, I know what I need, I know what I should have, I know what I don’t like about myself, I know all these things.”
I was astonished when I began my work as a professional that I met so much self-dislike and self-hatred. This is the great malaise of the not-self – human beings walking around who do not think well of themselves, including the 30 plus percent that are Ego beings who just simply put out the façade. The fact is that the not-self is an unhappy creature and an unfulfilled creature.
It’s why it’s worthy to pay attention, not simply to Definition as the bedrock upon which we build the chart and we get to see the nature of the Strategy and Authority, but to really grasp that it is your uniqueness. This is the thing than I hope you really get is that because it is so finite, because it is such an extraordinary connection, that this quantum that is there in this channel, this is the uniqueness that is you. And that it needs to be expressed purely and you can only express it when you’re expressing it out of what it builds for you.
It’s one of the most fascinating things to think about in terms of Definition is that Definition builds the platform upon which we achieve Strategy and Authority. It sets it all up. It gives you the tools you need in order to be able to experience this life as yourself. And when you think now about Definition, it’s not that I’m suggesting to you that you don’t think about the gates that obviously make up the aspects of the channel, but I want you want be able to meditate and focus on the channel itself as something separate. When you think about the channel, think about it in terms of its keynote and its Design. That’s the place to begin.
And it’s also the thing that is going to be recognized in you. It’s not like this person’s 59 or this person’s 6 are going to be recognized by others. It isn’t. It’s the quantum that’s going to be recognized. It’s the channel that is going to have its impact. It’s the channel that is going to be put into the other. This is you. It’s your uniqueness. And if the frequency is not correct, think about the distortion that you’re going to get back from the other, because you will.
When you look at a chart, look at the Definition. See what’s there, see who’s there just through the channels; just look at the channels, nothing else. Run those keynotes through your head, loop them together in different ways, play with the Design, and just think about them. Because if you can do that, if you can just focus on the channel you’re going to catch exactly what that other being puts into you and everyone else. You catch a glimpse of them. It’s the beginning of recognizing who they are. You want to know who you are? You begin with your Definition. That’s where you begin. It’s what tells the story.