Everything in Human Design tells you something about who you are and how you operate, but few things give you as much day-to-day insight into yourself as your Profile. And yet, from my experience with clients (and some students), it seems few know much beyond the most basic descriptions from the lines of the 10th Gate (the one that gives your Profile name–you know, Investigator, Hermit, Martyr, Opportunist, Femme Fatale/Cassanova, Role Model).

So much more information is available from your Profile. In fact, because of ‘resonance,’ you can learn something about yourself from the Profile line of every single gate. So, if you’re a 2/4 for example, you will naturally ‘resonate’ with the 2nd line of every gate, whether you have it defined or not. Those 2nd lines will feel more familiar to you (they’ll feel second most familiar, if you have that gate defined in another line) for that gate. The same will be true for the 4th line (the unconscious side of your 2/4 Profile), which your body will resonate with too.

So each gate gives you clues and nuances of how your 2/4 (or any other Profile) is going to behave with that gate’s qualities.

So what can Profile tell you?

Almost everything about how you’re meant to interact with opportunities, others, experiences, etc. (i.e., your version of every gate).

Now, we know nothing operates in isolation in your design. Your Strategy & Authority will get you into situations (hopefully thru correct decisions) and bring you the life you’re meant to lead. It will have you accept the right opportunities, put you in the right places with the right people, doing the right things. However, it’s your Profile that sets how you will encounter those opportunities, find those people, recognize and interact with them, etc. Profile and S&A work hand in hand to help you identify the options that may be correct for you… and then help provide the quality of every experience you have.

For a sampling, here are some of the things you can discover from your Profile (and flesh out your sense of yourself):
• how you meet (new) people–for work, to market yourself, for friends, potential mates (as well as what may go wrong and how you will deal with or end those relationships)
• how you give (to whom, to what degree), how you share
• how you focus on tasks, habits
• how you deal with interruptions, suggestions, taking direction
• how you deal with new experiences, stimulation, boredom
• how you deal with contribution, the needs of others, the greater good, etc.
• and so much more

Here are some specifics of how that might look for a 2nd line Profile (with information from elsewhere in the Design, so you can see how together, it all builds the picture).
A 2nd line Profile, by nature, is likely to:
• set boundaries and barriers which only the right people will bypass, then allow sufficient time to be seen, appreciated and pursued till that other person ultimately gets in
• be incredibly discerning about everything that comes their way to ensure that it ‘calls’ them so they are using their energy correctly
• be willing to bypass or not engage in lots of things (despite other’s opinions about how important, how needed they are, the value, etc.) and simply go along (since they don’t care enough about it)
If that 2nd line person gets into a relationship incorrectly, (probably by bypassing S&A and without exercising sufficient boundaries, barriers and time to allow the other person to see and pursue them), here’s a sampling of the kinds of things that might happen. The 2nd line person:
• is likely to become quite generous (of time, attention, money, resources, etc.) and ultimately over-give, often to the point of depletion (and if they have an undefined spleen, they may NEVER get away)
• may let the other person participate incorrectly in the 2nd line’s work or other activities that require focus, simply to have the company
• may go along with others’ decisions that they wouldn’t ordinarily
• allow themselves to be interrupted, drawn into activities and causes that do not call them and then become annoyed and exhaust themselves

Want more?
Each semester, my classes on Profiles will explore a different Profile line. I’m starting with the 2’s (I know… why not the logical place to start, with the 1’s?). Short answer–because that’s my Profile and especially fascinating to me. Next semester, it’ll be the 3’s… and possibly also the 4’s. But more to come on that late.

This semester, we’ll look at groupings of related gates and see how the qualities build and begin to form a picture of the 2’s behaviors. I think you’ll be amazed at what you see. Click below for more course and registration information.

For the next several newsletter issues, I’ll share more about Profiles and specifically about 2’s.

Here’s what’s coming:
• Why are 2’s so Darned Discerning (read ‘PICKY’)
• What’s With That ‘Paranoia?’
• Don’t Poke the Bear (what happens when you intrude or interrupt a 2.

So stay tuned!

A Deep Look at 2nd Line Profiles – Those Mysterious 2’s
Begins Friday September 18th at 15:00 GMT
Click here for more information or to register.

In 1992, as Ra Uru Hu began training the first students of The Human Design System, the International Human Design School was founded, and after many years of experiments, experiences and evolution, the IHDS represents a landmark in Human Design Education. The IHDS operates as part of the parent organization, Jovian Archive, Inc., and is responsible for setting and maintaining educational standards and materials for Human Design worldwide, and is the official certifying agency and record keeper for Human Design Professionals. The IHDS is currently licensed and run by Lynda Bunnell. Visit the International Human Design School website.

About IHDS

In 1992, as Ra Uru Hu began training the first students of The Human Design System, the International Human Design School was founded, and after many years of experiments, experiences and evolution, the IHDS represents a landmark in Human Design Education. The IHDS operates as part of the parent organization, Jovian Archive, Inc., and is responsible for setting and maintaining educational standards and materials for Human Design worldwide, and is the official certifying agency and record keeper for Human Design Professionals. The IHDS is currently licensed and run by Lynda Bunnell. Visit the International Human Design School website.